8 Best Foods for Alcohol Detox & Recovery Diet

8 Best Foods for Alcohol Detox & Recovery Diet

Learn more about medications for alcohol cravings, and other ways to round out your support system in recovery. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound that naturally occurs in the cannabis plant. More research is needed, but early studies suggest that CBD may help with pain management, anxiety, alcohol cravings, and even liver and brain damage linked to excessive drinking. Despite its presence in marijuana, CBD itself does not cause an individual to feel high.

alcohol recovery diet

If obesity develops, it increases the risk of many different diseases. Malnutrition can be even worse, suppressing your immune system and leaving you unable to respond to even minor health problems. Prolonged alcohol use can also cause a severe deficiency in thiamine, a nutrient vital to brain health; this deficiency can lead to permanent brain damage.

Making good nutritional food choices as you recover from alcohol addiction will help you succeed in your recovery journey.

During the pre-initiation stage, a person is feeling these effects of alcoholism, but they do not typically want to alter their habits. They are likely to act defensively when the topic is brought up and deny being an alcohol addict. This is the first of the alcoholism recovery stages and the most difficult one. Recovering alcoholics know what the process of healing means to them and how crucial it is in their lives.

Because I have fully reframed alcohol as a poison, I no longer obsess over the existence of trace amounts of alcohol (or alcoholic flavors) in gourmet dishes. Sweet potatoes, brown rice, beans, lentils, yucca, and oats are great examples of slow carbs. However, there are some basic guidelines that everyone who quits drinking can follow to maximize their sense of well-being. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest 11.5 to 15.5 cups of water per day for adults.

Using Nutrition to Improve Neuroplasticity

More times than not we’re functioning at a very low frequency of energy while our organs, cells, and transmitters find a way to start healing. Start your morning with a glass of water, and it will help you stay https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/best-alcohol-abuse-recovery-diet/ hydrated during the day. Dr. Okhifun is a passionate medical doctor, with over five years’ experience as a general practitioner. His passion for medical education led to his journey in medical writing.

In cases where severe withdrawal symptoms are likely to occur, it’s best to have medical assistance during the detox process. Cayenne pepper can soothe withdrawal symptoms like nausea, stomach pain and headaches. Cayenne has been shown to reduce stomach upset8 and improve digestion by stimulating enzymes in the stomach. It can also help boost healthy gut bacteria and has been shown to relieve headaches. Sprinkling a small amount of cayenne onto your food or sipping on a Mexican hot chocolate is an easy way to help soothe withdrawal symptoms.

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